Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why is it that my blood sugars stay high after eating dairy products (especially milk/cream)?

..instead of falling gradually, like with other foods? I'm Type 2, and use diet and exercise to keep my levels under control. Whenever I have dairy products with a meal, though...I find that my post-meal test is over 200 (but 120 or less if there was no dairy in the meal.) Is this normal? My doctor hasn't got a clue of why this is happening.Why is it that my blood sugars stay high after eating dairy products (especially milk/cream)?
Well, diabetes affects people differently. So since you know milk raises your blood sugar, I suggest avoiding it. Are carbohydrate counting at meals? Milk does count as a carbohydrate.Why is it that my blood sugars stay high after eating dairy products (especially milk/cream)?
Because animal protein causes insulin resistance. It also causes bone loss. Look it up!

Also, on youtube, look up veganism and diabetes. You can cure your diabetes witht his diet. I have. (as long as you dont cheat. lol!)

Look up Dr. Fuhrman on youtube, too! Its what led me to this research I did on my own.

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