Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What is a good product that can be used as a whip cream stabilizer when making cream puffs or eclairs?

I use powder sugar and vanilla to make my whipped cream and it stays pretty stiff.

The secret is to get the bowl your using VERY Cold in the freezer also I put my beaters in the freezer too.

And you want to whip it very well just don't turn it into butterWhat is a good product that can be used as a whip cream stabilizer when making cream puffs or eclairs?
I would use creme anglaise instead of whipped cream. It just tastes better

* Exported from MasterCook II *

Creme Anglaise (Vanilla Sauce)

Recipe By : The Disney Institute

Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00

Categories : Cakes, Pies %26amp; Desserts Sauces

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

3 large egg yolks

1/4 cup sugar

3/4 cup milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 piece vanilla beans

Whisk egg yolks and sugar until thick and light in color and ribbony in

texture. Heat milk and vanilla to almost a boil. Very slowly pour 3/4 milk into

the egg mixture while whisking vigoursly. Add the mixture to the remaining

mixture in the sauce pot and heat on low, stirring continuously until it


thickened. Flavor with cinnamon, kaluha or whatever extract, spice or liquor

complements the dessert.What is a good product that can be used as a whip cream stabilizer when making cream puffs or eclairs?
the refrigerator stabalizes pretty well! Good Luck!

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